
We track five key metrics to ensure your business is performing at its peak potential. These metrics help us measure the effectiveness of your strategies and ensure long-term success.

Retention, Referral, and Revenue Metrics (The 5 R’s)


How well do you retain your clients? We track client retention rates to ensure your business remains sustainable.


Client referrals are a sign of a strong business. We help you develop strategies to increase your referral rate.


Your bottom line is important. We monitor revenue growth and help you identify areas for improvement.

Recurring Income

We track your recurring income (such as commission and residuals) to build a steady revenue stream.

Reputation (AUM – Assets Under Management)

As your business grows, so does its value. We track your assets under management and help you build a business with long-term exit value.

14600 Branch StreetOmaha, Nebraska 68154

(888) 321-0808

Proudly partnered with world-class organizations:

The information included herein is for informational purposes and is intended for use by advisors only, and should not be copied, reproduced, or redistributed without consent of CWM, LLC. Legacy Partners offers investment advisory services through CWM, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Legacy Coaching and CWM, LLC are separate but affiliated companies and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Legacy Group Holdings, LLC. Legacy Coaching does not provide advisory services.